in the wake of the sean bell trial, it's important to ask ourselves what our lives are really worth. the three police officers acquitted of all charges for the young man's murder really prove to us what the justice system is really all about.
in sitting and watching cnn today, i was suprised by a couple things. the judge dismissed the officers because the witnesses testimonies were not cohesive...yet the judge isnt realizing a man lost his life. dont dismiss the officers because of the witnesses, put them in jail for murdering someone...
i was also disgusted by the officers speeches right after leaving the courtroom. they all thanked God. number one, this is not an awards show. number two, how dare you thank the Lord after you committed a murder and got away with it.
...anywho, in the midst of all this i must students/post grads are not as oblivious as some may think. whether it be sean bell or politics or virginia tech, we have a voice. and in looking around on facebook etc, it is very apparent that we have more to say than most give us credit for. pay attention.
a buddy of mine, mickey factz (lol i big him up alot huh?), made a song in the wake of sean bell's murder back in january 07. he took on the perspective of mr. bell. it's very insightful and still, sadly, relevant. here's a link:
the family and advocates for the bell family are going to be seeking immediate justice in this case. i hope the officers don't think theyre getting off that easy...
my condolences and heart go out to the family and friends of sean bell.